trek Tag

Confession:  I used to think that trekking poles were for old people.  I incorrectly assumed that the only reason that people needed poles for hiking was to compensate for their lack of fitness and ability.  I thought of them as, "crutches for the weak".  I saw myself as the ideal specimen of hiker:  the speed of a gazelle, with the stability and surefootedness of a mountain goat - surely I didn't need the help of overpriced carbon-fiber sticks. I was wrong. So, so wrong. My very first backpacking...

“And thou shalt in thy daughter see, This picture, once, resembled thee. ” — Ambrose Philips I run an adventure-inspired group on Facebook, and one of the things I like to do is to feature one member in the group each week.  I genuinely believe in the power of community, and I cannot imagine a more positive, supportive community than a group of wilderness-loving adventurers.  My mom happens to be a member of this group, and this past week, I asked her to be the featured member.  I honestly...