hiking Tag

I have a confession to make: I’ve been playing it safe. All along, I’ve known that I wasn’t living up to my true potential, and I was too afraid to change my situation. I was too afraid to leave my job: my fear of poverty and of being “irresponsible” was oppressively restricting. I was worried about what people would say – that I’m being silly, ridiculous and reckless. I was terrified of failure. These fears kept me trapped in...

“You better cut the pizza in four pieces, because I’m not hungry enough to eat six.” — Yogi Berra Packing for an overnight trip can be intimidating.  When I first started backpacking, I was a compulsive over-estimator of how much food I actually needed to bring.  I packed my food out of fear, and I was usually dismayed when I returned to the trailhead carrying an extra 2-3lbs of food that I didn't need. After nearly two decades of climbing and hiking and backpacking, I'd like to think that...

Confession:  I used to think that trekking poles were for old people.  I incorrectly assumed that the only reason that people needed poles for hiking was to compensate for their lack of fitness and ability.  I thought of them as, "crutches for the weak".  I saw myself as the ideal specimen of hiker:  the speed of a gazelle, with the stability and surefootedness of a mountain goat - surely I didn't need the help of overpriced carbon-fiber sticks. I was wrong. So, so wrong. My very first backpacking...

“And thou shalt in thy daughter see, This picture, once, resembled thee. ” — Ambrose Philips I run an adventure-inspired group on Facebook, and one of the things I like to do is to feature one member in the group each week.  I genuinely believe in the power of community, and I cannot imagine a more positive, supportive community than a group of wilderness-loving adventurers.  My mom happens to be a member of this group, and this past week, I asked her to be the featured member.  I honestly...

“I think I will be able to, in the end, rise above the clouds and climb the stairs to Heaven, and I will look down on my beautiful life. ” — Yayoi Kusama Every single climb that you will ever complete in your life is fueled by the most powerful substance known on this planet.  No, I'm not talking about the three extra-strength 5-hour energy bottles that you just drank in an effort to give yourself 15 hours of continuous energy (it doesn't work, by the way).  The...