29 Dec You are enough.
I wrote this poem for any girl who has ever questioned herself… for any girl who has ever thought that she is not enough.
‘Some Girl’ (12/28/17)⠀⠀
There was this time once⠀⠀
When I didn’t think I deserved anything⠀⠀
Because who was I?⠀⠀
I was just some girl ⠀⠀
I said, I do these things ⠀⠀
But I’m only OK at them⠀⠀
I’m no Clara Schumann with her music or Mary Oliver with her words⠀⠀
I’m just some girl⠀⠀
I wonder if they ever said that too⠀⠀
I wonder if Clara ever thought that her notes weren’t good enough⠀⠀
Or if Mary hesitated before touching her pen to the paper⠀⠀
I wonder if they were once just some girls, ⠀⠀
like me⠀⠀
I like to think they were⠀⠀
But that one day they decided⠀⠀
That they could⠀⠀
Be anything they wanted to be⠀⠀
A composer⠀⠀
A poet⠀⠀
Artists of life⠀⠀
Each note, each word ⠀⠀
secretly whispering⠀⠀
Yes. Yes. Yes. ⠀⠀
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